Home Improvement

Home Improvement Cooking Switch – Gas to Induction   The Technology Under the ceramic/glass cooktop (called a “hob”), there’s a copper coil – when you turn on the power, electric current flows through the coil, producing a magnetic field. This magnetic field causes the iron in your cookware to generate heat – this heated pan then transfers the heat to your food/water inside […]
Home Improvement Take care of your sewer line, so it can take care of you Seems like an underground system made of tough PVC, iron, and concrete pipe should be nearly indestructible. But the “underground factor” weighs in heavily here – if anything DOES go wrong, it can be invasive and expensive to fix. Older homes (and older sewer lines) definitely need your TLC and may even need to be […]
Home Improvement Home Office Reno/Refresh After waterproofing our basement, we were left with some unfinished walls, no flooring, and the opportunity to change the look and functionality of our home office – a fresh beginning for a space that’s become mission-critical during the pandemic! We decided to tackle it DIY-style to learn new skills and save some money.   Wall […]
Home Improvement Basement Waterproofing – fix it from the inside Wet basement? Yep, me too. But not anymore! In my previous post about French drains, I mentioned that I’ve been struggling with water entering my finished basement for the past five years I’ve owned my home. Luckily the worst part was floored with linoleum-type material, not carpet that would saturate – but I still had […]
Home Improvement Drain the rain away… As we enter the rainy season here in Seattle, your home (like mine!) may experience too much water… Water flooding your yard, or especially entering your basement, is really scary and overwhelming. You think, how can I possibly move this water somewhere else, or even soak it up because it just keeps coming. It’s a […]
Decor Wallpaper FTW! If you know me, you know that I love to make bold, unique design statements in my life, especially in my home. The past few years have seen a huge increase in wallpaper designs, creativity, and availability – so you may not be surprised to hear that I’ve become slightly obsessed with wild wallpaper! Whether […]
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